
Saturday, May 11, 2019

this term we have been looking at climate change Glenn from VBase came to talk to us. he is the food & drink manager. After a cricket match there was lots of plastic left behind. Glenn wonted to stop that They tried different ideas. They now have reusable cups. People rent cups for $1, they get their money back when they give  the cups back. There is a few problems with the cups because  people steal them from other people to get money. in the last 2 years they have saved nearly two million cups.
i think its good that he saw the plastic!!

Tuesday, May 7, 2019

cross country

                    I hate cross country. I often get stitches. This year the 
                     weather was better. I watched my brother run, it was fun. I was happy to see my mum and dad. They missed my brothers race because he was early.  In my race i started off running, someone stood on my foot. I ran the first lap, it was hard. I heard my mum cheer as finished the first lap. On the second lap i had to stop running and walk because i got a stitch. I started to run again when i saw the finish. My mum and dad cheered as i finished. I was really pleased when it was over. I am happy i don't have to do it for another year.