
Thursday, April 30, 2020

my math bord

this is my math bord it is easy!

math bord

this is my math bord i hope it wont  confuse you

Trigger fish ! Don,t pull his Trigger

i am doing a Trigger fish   for my family mascot because my family is Protective of me the same as the Trigger fish And because we love snorkeling

  i have seen lots Trigger fish before and they bite you if you come to close to their hole, when they have babies.i have never been biting before because they come up to you first and then they bite you.

the raucous toucan

Have you ever thought how would you feel if you had a nose bigger than your body? Imagine what it feels like to be a Toucan.

Toucans are very colourful birds. Their beaks are a combination of colours, red, teal, blue, orange, purple and green.They have the longest beak of any bird in the world . Their beak is sharp and serrated to grab food. Toucans have short wings to fit through small gaps in the trees but can only fly short distintas. Toucans have four toes two that point one way and two that point the other. This helps them hang upside down to get fruit 

Toucans are native to South America. Toucans are found in the Amazon basin.In the canopy of the
trees where there is lots of fruit and it is safer from predators.Toucans can  be found also in the savanna ,tropical forests and shrublands. They are always found in the warm regions with lots of rainfall

Harpy eagles and jaguars are predators of toucans.Snakes,lizards and weasels will steal their eggs. People also cut down the rainforest  where they live to plant coca plants they also steal them to keep them as pets.

Toucans love to eat fruit they regurgitate {throw up} the seeds helping more fruit grow. They can sometimes eat frogs, insects, lizards and small birds.

Did  you know toucans have a ball and socket joint so he can roll up into a ball because if it is getting food out a hole then a predator can't sneak up behind him and snach his tail.
Toucans manage their body temperature by adjusting the blood flow to their beak as more blood means more heat release. Due to the sheer size of the beak, it would be sensible to think it weighs a fair amount but actually due to the little air holes the beak is actually quite light.

Did  you learn something new? I had fun Writing and learning about toucans.i didn't know that toucans were so fascinating!  

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

wheel of probability

I made a wheel and put 3 red, 2 blue, 1 green and  1 yellow on it. I guessed it would be red.  Then I  spun the wheel . It was blue and I was  wrong. Then  mum guessed red and then  spun yellow, she was wrong.
 I changed the wheel for 4 reds, 2 blues, 1 yellow and 1 green. I guessed red. I was right. Mum spun and guessed red and got red. She was right. I guessed blue. I was wrong, It was green. Mum guessed yellow, she was wrong it was red. I guessed blue, and spun it. I  was right, it was blue.Mum guessed red.She was right it was red.

By adding a red after the first spin  it made the probability of red higher than before.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

what colour bear

make predictions based on data collected AND identify all possible outcomes of an event.

round 1 me and my bother got 3 green in the bowl i guess there were more green than blue .there were 5 green  and 3 blue
round 2 i pull out a blue mum pulls out a blue and i pull out a green.i guess there are more blue than green.there are 5 blue and  4 green.
round 3 mum pulls out a red i pull out a yellow mum pulls out a yellow i guess there are more yellow than red there are 3 yellow and 5 red.
round 4 i pull out a green and a red and a red.i guess there are more red than green .there are 5 red and 3 green.
i predicted them all right except 1.
would it be more differcult with more bears?

Sunday, April 5, 2020

My amazing Playhouse

2 years ago I had an amazing idea about a playhouse I had lots of ideas about building stuff. We've already built a mud kitchen so my dad added to his list of things to build .2 years ago he thought thats  a great idea to build a play house so we started to dig out the vegetable garden .First we added a a layer of concrete under it and then we added the floor and the piles then for some reason we waited 2 years. Then right now we started to do the walls. Then we put the insulation inside the walls. Then we put the other side of the walls on. After that we put little square blocks of wood on the outside of the walls to make it look like an old shed. We painted the inside walls with white and then we put in the ceiling in, We made two windows that were in the shape of an L for Lily and a  J for my brother James. I have been out there every day working and painting .Now we have painted it all ,me and James both want to paint the sea and a jungle on each wall inside.  We also spent the night sleeping in the playhouse. It was fun, but got a bit cold later in the night.
How would you decorate your Playhouse if you had one?